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모질라 파이어폭스 1.5 (Deer Park) 출시

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (Deer Park)

파이어폭스 1.5 출시를 기념하여 파이어폭스 팬들로 하여금 자신들이 좋아하는 브라우저 사용 현황 등을 가정에서 비디오로 촬영하여 커뮤니티 마케팅 사이트인 스프레드 파이어폭스(http://www.spreadfirefox.com)에 업로드하여 우수 작품을 시상하며 홍보하는 마케팅 캠페인을 시행할 계획이며 비디오가 촬영된 지역을 지도상에 표시해주는 서비스도 제공할 계획

기본 검색은 야후로 지정되어있으며 구글, 아마존닷컴, 크리에이티브 커먼즈, 다음, 네이버 등이 등록

New and Improved Features
Firefox 1.5 has been enhanced in several key areas:

User Experience

    * New "drag and drop" feature for tabbed browsing helps to better organize page viewing.
    * Improved pop-up blocker screens users from more unwanted pop-up ads.
    * New reference search engine Answers.com is now included in the integrated Search box.
    * Improved Live Bookmarks feature enables easier discovery of and subscription to RSS feeds.
    * Improved Options interface makes it easier to adjust browser settings.

Security and Privacy

    * New Automatic Update system alerts users and prompts them to act when security and functionality updates become available, allowing users to have the most up-to-date browser at any time. With Automatic Updates, Firefox 1.5 is ready for even the newest Web surfer or computer user, because it essentially makes Firefox an “install once and forget it” application. Firefox takes care of security updates for you.
    * New Clear Private Data tool simplifies maintaining privacy. Users can clear all private information, such as history and form entries, via one easily accessible settings window.

Performance and Accessibility

    * Improved performance with a next-generation rendering and layout engine that speeds navigation between previously viewed Web pages through intelligent caching and displays complex Web pages more accurately.
    * New capabilities contributed by IBM that make it easier for the aged or mobility and sight-impaired to navigate the Web. The browser can now be used with technology that reads Web content aloud; allow users to navigate with keystrokes rather than mouseclicks; and reduce the tabbing required to navigate documents such as spreadsheets.


    * The browser remains easy to use, in part by not loading it down with a “jack of all trades, master of none” approach to features and functionality. Instead, Firefox integrates the most used technologies into the browser itself, while allowing users to add specific functionality through third-party extensions to the browser.
    * Developers have already created more than 700 extensions for Firefox, with many more expected in the weeks following today’s release.

Support for Firefox 1.5 from Yahoo! and Google

With Firefox 1.5, Mozilla continues its search partnership with Google in the Americas and in Europe and begins a new search relationship with Yahoo! in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.


모질라 보도자료, 파이어폭스 Release Notes & 한국 모질라 커뮤니티

전자신문, ZDNet Korea, 매일경제